Woah! Hey guys! Im in 7th grade and i've been a member on Dogo for 4 years! SGFHGJHG I FINALLY CAME BACK. Well, anything new thats happening? Any book recommendations? So far, I really like the Wings of Fire series, already read every book in it at least 4 times lmao. Definitely a Winter X Moon shipper. Things you should know about me :). My username was made back when i was in 3rd grade and was OBSESSED with Dork Diaries, and if any of you have read it, this was Mackenzie's username. I play the flute and piccolo (aka is a mini baby version of a flute) and love to do kickboxing in my free time. I would consider myself as an OG on Dogo since i've been here for so long :>. aNyWaYs, ill do a poll, whats worse, Brussel Sprouts or Asparagus? I would say...Brussel Sprouts.
- Yours truly, LuvMyLipGloss :P