Kids News - Articles with 400-600 Words

Five Fascinating Dinosaur Discoveries Of 2023

2023 was a remarkable year for dinosaur fossil finds. Paleontologists across the globe unearthed a myriad of well-preserved remains, providing new insights into the ancient giants that roamed Earth millions of years ago. Here is a short list of some of the amazing and important finds made in 2023....

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Five Fascinating Dinosaur Discoveries Of 2023

Christmas Celebrations From Around The World

With Christmas less than a week away, many people worldwide are getting into the festive spirit. For those living in the United States, this means baking and decorating Christmas cookies, buying gifts for loved ones, and binge-watching holiday classics like Elf and Home Alone....

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Christmas Celebrations From Around The World

World's Largest Iceberg Is On The Move After More Than Three Decades

The world's largest iceberg is on the move after being stuck to the ocean floor for 37 years. A23a stretches almost 1,500 square miles (3,885 sq. km) wide, or about three times the size of New York City and its five boroughs. The massive slab of ice weighs over one trillion tons and stands 1,313 feet (400 m) tall. For comparison, the Empire State Building measures 1,250 feet (380 m) from top to bottom....

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World's Largest Iceberg Is On The Move After More Than Three Decades

Long-Lost Maya City Found in Mexico's Yucatan Peninsula

Dr. Ivan Šprajc has spent the past 30 years looking for Maya cities in Mexico's Yucatan Peninsula. In 2013, the archeologist and his team found one dating back to the 8th century in the Chactún rainforest. A year later, they unearthed two more cities abandoned over 1,200 years ago. But a massive ancient settlement found deep inside Mexico's Balamkú Ecological Conservation Zone, is the team's most exciting discovery yet....

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Long-Lost Maya City Found in Mexico's Yucatan Peninsula

Celebrating Hanukkah, The Jewish Festival Of Lights

Hanukkah, the Jewish Festival of Lights, celebrates the victory of good over evil. The eight-day observance is a festive event with many fun traditions. Though the date of the annual holiday varies, it always falls sometime between late November and December. In 2023, Hanukkah will be marked from sundown on December 7th to sundown on December 15th....

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Celebrating Hanukkah, The Jewish Festival Of Lights

The National Zoo's Beloved Giant Pandas Have Returned To China

With heavy hearts, officials at the Smithsonian's National Zoo in Washington, DC, have bid farewell to its three resident giant pandas. Mei Xiang, 25, Tian Tian, 26, and their 3-year-old son, Xiao Qi Ji, left for China aboard a retrofitted Boeing 777 aircraft on November 8, 2023. Upon reaching Chengdu on November 9, 2023, the trio was whisked away to the Wolong Panda Center. After a 30-day quarantine, the mammals will be allowed to mingle with the 150 wild giant pandas at the nature reserve....

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The National Zoo's Beloved Giant Pandas Have Returned To China

Thanksgiving-Like Holidays From Around The World

On November 23, 2023, most Americans will celebrate Thanksgiving. The secular holiday is observed annually on the fourth Thursday of November. The celebrations usually center around a delicious feast with family and friends. Other fun traditions include participating in "Turkey Trot" runs and parades. But not all countries mark the holiday on the same day or follow the same customs. Here are four variations of Thanksgiving-like festivities from around the world....

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Thanksgiving-Like Holidays From Around The World

The Significance And Celebrations Of Diwali

Diwali, the Festival of Lights, is one of the major holidays observed by Hindus, Jains, Sikhs, and some Buddhists. The celebration, which dates back over 2,500 years, is a time of joy, unity, and spiritual reflection. While the dates vary annually based on the Hindu lunar calendar, Diwali usually occurs in October or November. This year, the festival will be marked from November 10 through November 14, 2023....

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The Significance And Celebrations Of Diwali

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