Over the years, astronomers have managed to capture a few images of stars in galaxies beyond Earth. However, these images have always appeared as mere points of light, even when seen through powerful telescopes. Now, thanks to the Very Large Telescope (VLT), scientists have captured the first close-up image of a massive star located a staggering 160,000 light-years from Earth....
Read news articleDrones have come a long way since the first model that barely lifted two feet (60 cm) off the ground was unveiled in 1907. Modern quadcopters can soar to high altitudes and perform a wide range of tasks. However, their capabilities are often curbed by limited battery life....
Read news articleThanksgiving, celebrated annually on the fourth Thursday of November, is one of the most anticipated holidays in the United States. The tradition dates back to a harvest feast shared by early European settlers and Native Americans in 1621. The holiday, which will be observed on November 28 this year, is centered around delicious food and various fun traditions. Here is a brief history of how some of these customs began....
Read news articleAbout two years ago, Damien Boschetto was walking his dog in a forest near Cruzy in southern France when he noticed a large bone poking out from an eroded cliff. Suspecting it might belong to a dinosaur, the amateur paleontologist quickly alerted experts at the Cruzy Museum. His hunch was correct: the fossil turned out to be the pelvic bone of a titanosaur, one of the largest dinosaurs ever to roam Earth....
Read news articleFull moons are always a stunning sight, but the one on November 15, 2024, promises to be even more spectacular. It will be the last of four consecutive supermoons, following August's Blue Moon, September's Harvest Moon, and October's Hunter Moon. After this, the next supermoon will not occur until October 7, 2025....
Read news articleThe next time you are upset about short winter days, think about Utqiaġvik (formerly Barrow), Alaska. The residents of America's northernmost town will experience their final sunset this year on November 19, 2024. They will not see the Sun again until January 23, 2025. For those wondering, that is 65 straight days, or 1,560 hours, of darkness!...
Read news articleDonald Trump will be the 47th president of the United States. As of 3:00 PM ET, November 6, 2024, the former president had secured 292 electoral votes — 22 more than the 270 needed to win the presidency....
Read news articleA rare, 237-year-old copy of the United States Constitution has been sold to an anonymous buyer for a staggering $9 million. The document was auctioned by Brunk Auctions in Asheville, North Carolina, on October 17, 2024. Bidding began at $1.1 million and quickly soared to the final price in just seven minutes....
Read news articleDía de los Muertos, or the Day of the Dead, is a vibrant and colorful Mexican celebration honoring life and death. Observed annually on November 1 and 2, it offers an opportunity to remember and pay tribute to loved ones who have passed....
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