The Nut JobThe Nut JobThe Nut JobThe Nut JobThe Nut JobThe Nut JobThe Nut JobThe Nut JobThe Nut JobThe Nut JobThe Nut JobThe Nut JobThe Nut JobThe Nut JobThe Nut JobThe Nut JobThe Nut JobThe Nut JobThe Nut JobThe Nut JobThe Nut JobThe Nut JobThe Nut JobThe Nut JobThe Nut JobThe Nut JobThe Nut Job
The Nut Job

The Nut Job (2014)

Surly, a curmudgeon, independent squirrel is banished from his park and forced to survive in the city. Lucky for him, he stumbles on the one thing that may be able to save his life, and the rest of park community, as they gear up for winter - Maury's Nut Store.

Directors: Peter Lepeniotis

Cast: Will Arnett, Katherine Heigl, Brendan Fraser, Liam Neeson, and Stephen Lang

Release Date: January 11, 2014

506 Movie Reviews
  • A'DEJAHover 10 years
    I Love this movies.
    • bunny12345
      bunny12345over 10 years
      • Anomyonousover 10 years
        It was amazing! when I first saw it I was truly curious about what would happen next! from raccoon's secret plan to starve the park to the bank robbery plan it was great!
        • evieover 10 years
          good move
          • doglover2079
            doglover2079over 10 years55 popcorn
            It has a korean song and it is pretty exciting.My favourite part is when the tree blows up.Im sorry to say but it is that I like.Racoon BAD.SquireelGOOD
            • banana1360
              banana1360over 10 years11 popcorn
              I didn't really like this movie. From my point of view, the Nut Job was very cheesy. I also got extremely bored in the middle of this move.
              • awesomesydney
                awesomesydneyover 10 years
                I don't think this will be good it will be as good as rango which is two stars people
                • Graceover 10 years
                  let me know if this movie is good. i watched the trailer and I'm might watch the movie
                  • kbear1
                    kbear1over 10 years55 popcorn
                    it WAS SO BORING
                    • kbear1
                      kbear1over 10 years55 popcorn
                      even know it was so boring it was a little bit weird
                      • kbear1
                        kbear1over 10 years55 popcorn
                        I would give it a thumb down for the first one will there be a 2 one I hope not
                  • lissyschiebel
                    lissyschiebelover 10 years
                    this movie is a little funny but not a lot. i would not watch it again!!!!!!!!!DO NOT WATCH NOT THE BEST IT IS OKAY BUT NOT THE BEST!!

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