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The Giver

The Giver (2014)

In a seemingly perfect community, without war, pain, suffering, differences or choice, a young boy is chosen to learn from an elderly man about the true pain and pleasure of the "real" world.

Release Date: August 11, 2014

161 Movie Reviews
  • puppies44
    puppies44over 10 years55 popcorn
    I loved it but is was nothing like the book so if you read the book and you want to see the movie don't prepare to see the book. Prepare to see something else. But it still was one of the best movies I ever saw!!!!!!
    • jellyjoy
      jellyjoyover 10 years55 popcorn
      this movie is ah-mazing sooooo gooooood
      • tiana19149
        tiana19149over 10 years
        i watched the ad for the Giver but never watched it and also i already read the book in my old school class it was awesome i'm really looking forward to watch it sometime with me and my family on my birthday it looks TOO interesting so i would love to watch it scary or not!
        • tiana19149over 10 years
          i love this movie just by watching the trailer its amazing
          • katlover18
            katlover18over 10 years
            im reading the book AND im soo excited to see the movie!!!
            • emmabookworm5
              emmabookworm5over 10 years33 popcorn
              This is movie would've been better if they'd actually stuck by the book! First of all, Fiona is a tiny part of the book, and now suddenly she's Jonas' love interest?!?
            • The Nerdover 10 years
              • hiover 10 years
                i didn't like the movie but i love the book
                • Jason albertsonover 10 years
                  I've watched this movie two times i love the movie
                  • perkypink
                    perkypinkover 10 years55 popcorn
                    I went on a field trip with my 5/6 period class to the franklin movie theater. I loved it towards the end I got a little emotional though!!! It is so COOL, I LOVED IT!
                    • bibliophile
                      bibliophileover 10 years44 popcorn
                      Same! Except I went with my first period class, and we went to the Harkins theater.

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