The Emperor's New Groove

The Emperor's New Groove (2000)

When self-centered Emperor Kuzco is turned into a llama by his scheming advisor, he is forced to rely on good-hearted peasant Pacha to get back home.

Directors: Mark Dindal

Cast: David Spade, John Goodman, Eartha Kitt, Patrick Warburton, and Wendie Malick

Release Date: December 10, 2000

8 Movie Reviews
  • pomobelu-158501061607
    pomobelu-158501061607almost 5 years
    I love this movie and would for sure recommend this it is a really funny movie and I have probably watched about 10 times my whole life time it is just a great movie and I hope you like it to.
    • Naomiewoodover 5 years
      The emperors new grove is so funny and I have watched it like 5 times allready🤣🤣👀
      • CuteBunnies about 8 years
        Kuzco (Kooz-COH) is the emperor of Peru. He wants to build a pool house on Pacha (Pah-CHA)'s house. Yzma (Eez-MUH) is Kuzco's advisor. She wants to kill him so she can be empress of Peru. So she puts a special potion in Kuzco's drink. When Kuzco drinks it, he turns into a llama. Which is not what Yzma wants. So she and Kronk follow Pacha and Kuzco wherever they go. Kuzco was not a very good person until the end. But he is a little but funny. The only character that was not funny is Pacha. But Pacha is a very good person. Kronk was very funny. And he was a good person with the wrong people. He has a whole movie to himself (Kronk's New Groove). My favorite character is Kronk. Be true to your groove!
        • percabethlolz
          percabethlolzalmost 10 years
          Great!!! I laughed like maniac on this one!
          • paddington
            paddingtonabout 10 years55 popcorn
            Hilarious movie love David Spade (Kuzco) a 93% by Paddington
            • bree16
              bree16almost 12 years55 popcorn
              LOLIP (laugh out loud in public)!
              • lillianna765
                lillianna765over 12 years55 popcorn
                THIS MOVIE IS GREAT! It shows what the Incan empire was in the old times, except it wasn't really true. There were many advisers not just one adviser.
                • aston
                  astonover 12 yearsFeatured
                  The new groove is the story about the emperor.The emperor name is Kuzco.And there was a woman named Yzma and her right hand man that named Kronk.Yzma is the evil woman.She said she want's to killed Kuzco.But when Yzma gave Kuzco drink Kuzco return to a lama.

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