Surf's UpSurf's UpSurf's UpSurf's UpSurf's UpSurf's UpSurf's UpSurf's UpSurf's UpSurf's UpSurf's UpSurf's UpSurf's UpSurf's UpSurf's UpSurf's UpSurf's UpSurf's UpSurf's UpSurf's UpSurf's UpSurf's UpSurf's UpSurf's Up
Surf's Up

Surf's Up (2007)

A young surfer enters his first contest, hoping a win will earn him respect. But an encounter with a laid-back local forces him to rethink his values.

Directors: Ash Brannon, Chris Buck

Cast: Shia LaBeouf, Jeff Bridges, Zooey Deschanel, Jon Heder, and James Woods

Release Date: June 8, 2007

9 Movie Reviews
  • cooljenny12
    cooljenny12almost 10 years55 popcorn
    was supper fun and sad at the end
    • shivi483
      shivi483about 10 years44 popcorn
      This movie is awesome and it wired how they always talk in a camera so let me tell what it is about a surfer called Edna who wanted to be a surfer like one of the champions but then retired until finally he got a chance but his first try was awful since he said people would like to watch it all over again when he falls hahaha then finally the champion before teaches some skills and sufers like a true bro find out more
      • joymaker
        joymakerabout 10 years
        penguins surfing? Ha! Ha! So funny!!
        • eveningstar
          eveningstarabout 10 years44 popcorn
          This is a awesome movie!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Some scenes are gross or inappropriate for young watchers though....... It is a good movie overall though!!!!!!!!!!!
          • infinity2015
            infinity2015over 10 years
            The only part I remember the most is where one of the penguins says "Just let me be me, bro."
            • aryan
              aryanalmost 11 years55 popcorn
              I loved it man it was awsome
              • alanad
                alanadover 11 years55 popcorn
                • lmccafferty20
                  lmccafferty20about 12 years55 popcorn
                  it is cool and funny i recommend this movie to people 3 and up movie about a penguin surfing lucas
                  • lassiepen
                    lassiepenover 12 years
                    i love this movie, it was the first kids movie i ever saw!

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