Super Size MeSuper Size MeSuper Size Me
Super Size Me

Super Size Me (2004)

Rated PG-13 100 min - Documentary
Morgan Spurlock subjects himself to a diet based only on McDonald's fast food three times a day for thirty days without exercising to try to prove why so many Americans are fat or obese. He submits himself to a complete check-up by three doctors, comparing his weight along the way, resulting in a scary conclusion.

Directors: Morgan Spurlock

Cast: Morgan Spurlock, Dr. Daryl Isaacs, and Alexandra Jamieson

Release Date: January 17, 2004

3 Movie Reviews
  • Victoriaabout 9 years
    This movie is disgusting I rather do my homework
    • nuttcracker
      nuttcrackerover 9 years
      it is good because it tells about health and brings in more attention publicity.
      • cori
        corialmost 11 years55 popcorn
        This movie is a documentary about a guy who wants to prove to people that McDonalds is really, really bad for you and so he says he will eat nothing but McDonalds for breakfast, lunch, and dinner for a whole month! It's gross, but it proves a really valid point.

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