Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom MenaceStar Wars: Episode I - The Phantom MenaceStar Wars: Episode I - The Phantom MenaceStar Wars: Episode I - The Phantom MenaceStar Wars: Episode I - The Phantom MenaceStar Wars: Episode I - The Phantom MenaceStar Wars: Episode I - The Phantom MenaceStar Wars: Episode I - The Phantom MenaceStar Wars: Episode I - The Phantom MenaceStar Wars: Episode I - The Phantom MenaceStar Wars: Episode I - The Phantom MenaceStar Wars: Episode I - The Phantom MenaceStar Wars: Episode I - The Phantom MenaceStar Wars: Episode I - The Phantom MenaceStar Wars: Episode I - The Phantom MenaceStar Wars: Episode I - The Phantom MenaceStar Wars: Episode I - The Phantom MenaceStar Wars: Episode I - The Phantom MenaceStar Wars: Episode I - The Phantom MenaceStar Wars: Episode I - The Phantom MenaceStar Wars: Episode I - The Phantom MenaceStar Wars: Episode I - The Phantom MenaceStar Wars: Episode I - The Phantom MenaceStar Wars: Episode I - The Phantom MenaceStar Wars: Episode I - The Phantom MenaceStar Wars: Episode I - The Phantom MenaceStar Wars: Episode I - The Phantom MenaceStar Wars: Episode I - The Phantom MenaceStar Wars: Episode I - The Phantom MenaceStar Wars: Episode I - The Phantom MenaceStar Wars: Episode I - The Phantom MenaceStar Wars: Episode I - The Phantom MenaceStar Wars: Episode I - The Phantom MenaceStar Wars: Episode I - The Phantom MenaceStar Wars: Episode I - The Phantom MenaceStar Wars: Episode I - The Phantom MenaceStar Wars: Episode I - The Phantom MenaceStar Wars: Episode I - The Phantom MenaceStar Wars: Episode I - The Phantom MenaceStar Wars: Episode I - The Phantom MenaceStar Wars: Episode I - The Phantom MenaceStar Wars: Episode I - The Phantom MenaceStar Wars: Episode I - The Phantom MenaceStar Wars: Episode I - The Phantom MenaceStar Wars: Episode I - The Phantom MenaceStar Wars: Episode I - The Phantom MenaceStar Wars: Episode I - The Phantom MenaceStar Wars: Episode I - The Phantom MenaceStar Wars: Episode I - The Phantom MenaceStar Wars: Episode I - The Phantom MenaceStar Wars: Episode I - The Phantom MenaceStar Wars: Episode I - The Phantom MenaceStar Wars: Episode I - The Phantom MenaceStar Wars: Episode I - The Phantom MenaceStar Wars: Episode I - The Phantom MenaceStar Wars: Episode I - The Phantom MenaceStar Wars: Episode I - The Phantom MenaceStar Wars: Episode I - The Phantom MenaceStar Wars: Episode I - The Phantom MenaceStar Wars: Episode I - The Phantom MenaceStar Wars: Episode I - The Phantom MenaceStar Wars: Episode I - The Phantom MenaceStar Wars: Episode I - The Phantom MenaceStar Wars: Episode I - The Phantom MenaceStar Wars: Episode I - The Phantom MenaceStar Wars: Episode I - The Phantom MenaceStar Wars: Episode I - The Phantom MenaceStar Wars: Episode I - The Phantom MenaceStar Wars: Episode I - The Phantom MenaceStar Wars: Episode I - The Phantom MenaceStar Wars: Episode I - The Phantom MenaceStar Wars: Episode I - The Phantom MenaceStar Wars: Episode I - The Phantom MenaceStar Wars: Episode I - The Phantom MenaceStar Wars: Episode I - The Phantom MenaceStar Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace
Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace

Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace (1999)

Anakin Skywalker, a young slave strong with the Force, is discovered on Tatooine. Meanwhile, the evil Sith have returned, enacting their plot for revenge against the Jedi.

Release Date: May 16, 1999

14 Movie Reviews
  • philliesphan287
    philliesphan287about 2 years
    I liked this movie a lot, although not as much as the originals. I love the battle music for the battle between Qui Gon Jinn and Darth Maul.
    • ceebee
      ceebeeover 4 years55 popcorn
      Two Jedi knights are on a secret mission to negotiate with the trade federation, which has recently blockaded the planet of Naboo. The negotiations fail and it's a race against time to save Naboo.Will they succeed or will they fail miserably? Watch on to find out!
      • myguy
        myguyalmost 5 years
        It is exiting when Anakin wins the race
        • starwars proabout 5 years
          i love this movie so much more than I love anything else same with all the other movies and books and If you dont like it i hope the rancor beast or the wampa will eat you
          • thenapdragon
            thenapdragonabout 5 years55 popcorn
            I loved watching this movie with my dad. It was fictional but full of action. I played the Lego Star Wars Saga and then watched the film to see how it was the same and how it was different. May the Force be with you.
            • v0id
              v0idalmost 7 years55 popcorn
              It is cool darth maul has a double lightsaber. Ugi gon gin was awesome its sad he dies. This movie is so cool. Watch if u love star wars
              • infernodragon
                infernodragonabout 7 years55 popcorn
                i really love starwars even though star wars gets old it's one of the best movie i see. still i think the other starwars seris are better. my dad bought the starwars seris on my tv so it's great. i really enjoyed this movie becasue obiwan kills darth maul, even though his master qui gon jin couldn't kill him. i also play starwars on video games but i have no idea how to beat this movie part. this movie is so great. my dad and i love starwars. this movie is also really cool because r2d2 fixes the spaceship himself because the other droids die. i really want to see the last jedi from starwars because the trailer is also legit. who doesnt' like starwars should really like starwars. i really love lucas flim making this movie. plus i also enjoyed the podracing part, anakin just won barely by the other cheating guy. i closed my eye the second time i watched it because i really hated to see.
                • comanderkitten
                  comanderkittenalmost 8 years55 popcorn
                  asome movie whached twice
                  • comanderkitten
                    comanderkittenalmost 8 years55 popcorn
                    • papertundra605
                      papertundra605almost 8 years55 popcorn
                      I am a really big star wars. Fan i loved the movie and the plot was perfect. I watch the documentary that came with the movie. And it was hard to do the pod racing set. because there was a big sand storm and mosty everything got ruined. Beside the pod racers and they had to use what they had. But the sad part is that qui got jinn dies. In the end i love it but not the best in the series.

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