Squanto: A Warrior's Tale

Squanto: A Warrior's Tale (1994)

Rated PG 102 min - Adventure History
Squanto is a high-born Indian warrior from a tribe on the Atlantic coast of North America which devotes its life to hunting and rivalry with a neighboring tribe. Everything changes forever after a ship arrives from England, prospecting the region's commercial potential for the rich Sir George, who uses all his wealth and influence only for ever greater profit. When it returns, several Indians find themselves captives on board, including Squanto. The arrogant Christians consider themselves utterly superior to the 'heathen savages' and treat them as brutally as they do beasts. Squanto fights a bear in a circus, not understanding how men can be so cruel to that creature either, and manages a spectacular escape, but where must he go? He finds shelter and help in a rural monastery, where it takes his protector some effort to prevent the others considering the unknown as diabolical. In time sir George's men come looking for him most brutally...

Directors: Xavier Koller

Cast: Adam Beach, Mandy Patinkin, Michael Gambon, Nathaniel Parker, and Eric Schweig

Release Date: October 28, 1994

1 Movie Review
  • nzcoolkid
    nzcoolkidabout 9 years44 popcorn
    This movie is about a real Native American, and shows a lot about how life was back in his time. In this version of the story, Squanto is captured by the English and taken as a slave,and he must escape.