Spider-Man: Homecoming (2024)
Following the events of Captain America: Civil War, Peter Parker, with the help of his mentor Tony Stark, tries to balance his life as an ordinary high school student in Queens, New York City, with fighting crime as his superhero alter ego Spider-Man as a new threat, the Vulture, emerges.
Release Date: May 20, 2024
232 Movie Reviews
- claytone549over 2 yearsI love this movie because voucher appears
- kindacringengl2almost 3 yearsSpiderman: homecoming, Spiderman: far from home, Spiderman: No way Home, Spiderman: homeless shelter
- techfashion0315about 3 yearsOh, my word! Zendaya is in this! I don't think I am going to watch it but still...she is awesome!
- pv_gamerpabout 3 yearsGood!! The best superhero movie!!!
- Hey guys I do like this movie a lot and suggest it but there are some cons. It has very bad langues , very graphic and lots of violence. I suggest 11+, Iron man comes to there is a lot of parenting and friend ship. People die in the movie if you are keeping your child away from any of the things I have listed I don't suggest it. Thank you for reading this please like if you find this review useful.
- tom holland is an amazing actor and is very cute <3
- TORENCE almost 4 yearsI like Peter Parker and Tony stark
- ryhan almost 4 yearsIt was amazing movie I have ever seen.
- Keyliinabout 4 yearsWow 😍 😍 love tom holland
- I love this movie, tons of action