Rise of the GuardiansRise of the GuardiansRise of the GuardiansRise of the GuardiansRise of the GuardiansRise of the GuardiansRise of the GuardiansRise of the GuardiansRise of the GuardiansRise of the GuardiansRise of the GuardiansRise of the GuardiansRise of the GuardiansRise of the GuardiansRise of the GuardiansRise of the GuardiansRise of the GuardiansRise of the GuardiansRise of the GuardiansRise of the GuardiansRise of the GuardiansRise of the GuardiansRise of the GuardiansRise of the GuardiansRise of the GuardiansRise of the GuardiansRise of the GuardiansRise of the GuardiansRise of the GuardiansRise of the GuardiansRise of the GuardiansRise of the GuardiansRise of the GuardiansRise of the GuardiansRise of the GuardiansRise of the Guardians
Rise of the Guardians

Rise of the Guardians (2012)

When an evil spirit known as Pitch lays down the gauntlet to take over the world, the immortal Guardians must join forces for the first time to protect the hopes, beliefs and imagination of children all over the world.

Directors: Peter Ramsey

Cast: Alec Baldwin, Hugh Jackman, Isla Fisher, Chris Pine, and Jude Law

Release Date: November 21, 2012

197 Movie Reviews
  • movies5000almost 12 years
    awesome dibs Jack Frost
    • movies5000
      movies5000almost 12 years55 popcorn
      it was good I mean who in the whole space continuum would come up with the ester bunny with grnade type things
      • POPCORN GIRLalmost 12 years
        It was such a good movie
        • loveyalmost 12 years
          I LOVE IT!!!!!!!
          • loveyalmost 12 years
            THIS MOVIE IS AWSOME AND FUNNY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
            • hey
              heyalmost 12 years55 popcorn
              I havent seen it yet, but I've heard it was really good!!! So i need to see it!
              • tigeralmost 12 years
                • sydsyd2002
                  sydsyd2002almost 12 years55 popcorn
                  awesome movie!!!!!!!!!!!
                  • sydsyd2002
                    sydsyd2002almost 12 years55 popcorn
                    I LOVE THIS MOVIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                    • tigerlover
                      tigerloveralmost 12 years
                      I haven't seen it yet......