Project Almanac (2015)
A group of teens discover secret plans of a time machine, and construct one. However, things start to get out of control.
Release Date: January 28, 2015
2 Movie Reviews
- Project Almanac is certainly an unique film. When I bought this movie, I wasn't sure what it would be about. I knew it was a time travel movie, but that's about it. It's actually a "found footage" movie. For you that are unfamiliar with that term, it is when the film makers take the approach to make it look like their characters in the film are taping the movie themselves. Now, I'm not saying that I have anything against found footage movies, but I'm not sure that it entirely worked here. I'm not saying that all the shots were bad, because there were some areas where the found footage aspect worked. But of course, there were sometimes where it didn't. As for the story, it starts off good, but then twoards the end of the movie it starts getting a little strange. For example, when time traveling, if you go back to a time where you were, if your not careful, you will run into yourself there again. And this movie made that very clear. However, there was one scene in the movie where David, the lead character, screws up talking to this girl he really likes. So, he decides he's going to try it again. However, when he goes back the second time, he doesn't run into his past self. Everyone else is there, except him. Then, apparently, that tiny action causes this whole string of horrible events to unfold, forcing David to destroy the time machine. This movie was interesting, however, I felt that it could have been better. Overall though, Project Almanac is an okay movie if you're looking for an unique science fiction movie. I wasn't overly thrilled with this one, but hey, that's just my opinion. Your welcome to watch this movie yourself, and see what you think of it. In fact. I encourage you to. Just because I wasn't thrilled about it, doesn't mean you wouldn't be. And I'm not saying by any means that this was a bad movie, I'm just saying that it could have been better.
- Great movie even though i almost had a heart attack at some parts.