
Pixels (2015)

Video game experts are recruited by the military to fight 1980s-era video game characters who've attacked New York.

Release Date: July 24, 2015

55 Movie Reviews
  • daphne_helm
    daphne_helmover 2 years44 popcorn
    Pretty underrated, that's what I got to say. The CGI is great, and I liked the story... Well, minus the whole girl in the red dress that's always in Adam Sandler's movies.
    • homer1234
      homer1234almost 5 years
      it was kinda good
      • derpyem
        derpyemalmost 6 years55 popcorn
        I loved this movie! It was creative funny and was just a good time to watch. After seeing it in the movie theater my dad bought it online and I watched it around 15 times (Yes I counted every time I watched it)
        • The Jojo Siwaabout 6 years
          The movie had a convoluted plot and was an absolute mess. The plot was quite messy, and unorganized. This was a waste of time.
          • gdfgreugrabout 6 years
            • Marvellabout 6 years
              Omg the trailer was crazzy
              • thatredheadxd
                thatredheadxdalmost 7 years33 popcorn
                It's funny, and I like it..... but I wish there wasn't so many bad words and inappropriate.
                • alien boy67almost 7 years
                  this movie is so funny
                  • alienalmost 7 years
                    it is so cool and asome
                    • puppy loverabout 7 years
                      love this movie