Peter RabbitPeter RabbitPeter RabbitPeter RabbitPeter RabbitPeter RabbitPeter RabbitPeter RabbitPeter RabbitPeter RabbitPeter RabbitPeter RabbitPeter RabbitPeter RabbitPeter RabbitPeter RabbitPeter RabbitPeter RabbitPeter RabbitPeter RabbitPeter RabbitPeter RabbitPeter RabbitPeter RabbitPeter RabbitPeter RabbitPeter RabbitPeter RabbitPeter Rabbit
Peter Rabbit

Peter Rabbit (2018)

Peter Rabbit's feud with Mr. McGregor escalates to greater heights than ever before as they rival for the affections of the warm-hearted animal lover who lives next door.

Release Date: February 3, 2018

84 Movie Reviews
  • septemberchick
    septemberchickabout 7 years55 popcorn
    • princess20008about 7 years
      i loved it so sad and funny
      • cutecat6
        cutecat6about 7 years55 popcornFeatured
        This movie was so funny, dramatic, and sad!!!!! Mr. McGregor had a garden full of all kinds of foods which Peter Rabbit, Benjamin, Flopsy, Mopsy, and Cottontail loved!!!!! The sad part was when Peter's father went to go to get food for his family, he got killed by Mr. McGregor a.k.a. rabbit murderer killed him and was baked into a PIE!!!!! But one day when Peter was going to get food for his family, Mr. McGregor had a heart attack. So all the animals in the forest where he lives is invited to Mr. McGregor's house. But on that day, Thomas(Mr. McGregor's nephew)was going to live at Mr. McGregor's old house. So all the animals had to hide and when suddenly Thomas finds an pig under the sheets on the couch! So that made all the animals in the house start running out of the house. Also, Thomas is allergic to blackberries. I mean, WHO THE HECK IS ALLERGIC TO BLACKBERRIES?! If you want to hear more then you can read gusto's review about Peter Rabbit.
        • gusto
          gustoabout 7 years55 popcorn
          Peter Rabbit, his cousin Benjamin, and his triplet sisters Flopsy, Mopsy and Cottontail, spend most of their days picking on Mr. McGregor and stealing his vegetables from his garden. They are friends with a local woman named Bea who spends her time painting pictures of the rabbits as well as the surrounding nature. Bea takes on a mother-like relationship with the rabbits due to the passing of their mother and father. One day Peter, accidentally leaves his jacket back in McGregor's garden and goes back to retrieve it. McGregor spots and catches him, but suddenly dies of a heart attack. Enthralled, Peter invites all his woodland friends who have now taken over McGregor's old house. Meanwhile in London, McGregor's nephew Thomas works at the Harrod's department store where he awaits for a promotion. He coldly accepts the news about his uncle's death, but is infuriated over not getting the promotion and is fired. When he learns that his uncle's house is valuable, he decides to refurbish it so he can sell it and start his own toy store to rival Harrod's. He kicks out Peter and his friends and begins to secretly wall up the garden, despite Bea's objections. When Peter and Benjamin sneak back into the garden, Thomas catches the latter and attempts to drown him. Peter and the triplets rescue him and Thomas accidentally tosses the binoculars that Bea had given him earlier. Thomas and Peter start a war with each other by setting up traps and other offensive nuisances. Thomas and Bea end up falling in love with each other which causes Peter to become jealous and wanting to separate them more. Bea soon gets mad at Peter for unintentionally ruining her paintings during one excursion and soon she also turns on Thomas when his violent tendencies begin to show. This all culminates when Thomas throws dynamite at Peter's burrow, and uses it to attack Peter in the garden, before telling him that his antics caused him to become aggressive. When Peter detonates the dynamite to prove to Bea that Thomas was using it, he ends up knocking down the tree on top of the burrow, which crushes Bea's art studio. Thinking that Thomas was responsible for the detonation, Bea breaks up with him, and he goes back to London to work at Harrod's again. Peter feels bad for what he has done, and upon learning that Bea intends to leave Peter and his family, he and Benjamin head to London and finds Thomas at the store. They make up and rush back to the country where Peter reveals that he had activated the detonator, and he and Thomas apologize to Bea for their fighting. Thomas discovers that he cannot go home because a snobbish couple, whom Thomas had an ugly encounter with prior, had just bought the house. Peter and his friends use their tricks to kick the couple out of the house. During the end credits, it is shown that Bea, Thomas, and the rabbits eventually moved to London together where Thomas has his own toy shop and Bea begins to write and illustrate books based on Peter and his friends. So Funny
          • HappyTapperabout 7 years
            I love this movie but there a part where he needs his epipen. My sister had to once. They use it as a joke! :(
            • D.G24about 7 years
              peter rabbit is an amazing movie because at the begging their is a women and her name is bee and she loved to paint pictures of people and animals but the most likely paintings she liked to paint is about rabbits she painted a whole set of painting of rabbits. and the rabbits are so funny because when they get the food from the old mans garden because they jump so funny were they are on the food and also so funny when they eat it ... because they look so fat when they eat it .and if you want to see the movie go watch it .it is still on theaters.
              • popcorn346about 7 years
                this movie is one of the funnest movie its all about this rabbit petter he is trying to get his home back from this guy and they keep trolling each other my oponin is that this movie is great a other reason is that this is then funnyest movie i seen it is great famile to whach a other reson why is you can this movie in nexflix if you have wifi you can whach this movie in road trips my favert part when they push the guy whith eltrited on door nob you want to lern more whach the real movie
                • junebug0810about 7 years
                  When I watched this movie I loved it!!!! It was awesome.
                  • Osseo for lifeabout 7 years
                    The bunny is soooooooooooooooo cute my bff loves bunny’s
                    • djmonster
                      djmonsterabout 7 years
                      wow this is such a great movie I can´t wait for it to come out

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