Percy Jackson: Sea of Monsters

Percy Jackson: Sea of Monsters (2013)

In their quest to confront the ultimate evil, Percy and his friends battle swarms of mythical creatures to find the mythical Golden Fleece and to stop an ancient evil from rising.

Directors: Thor Freudenthal

Cast: Logan Lerman, Alexandra Daddario, Brandon T. Jackson, Nathan Fillion, and Jake Abel

Release Date: August 7, 2013

559 Movie Reviews
  • wolfarcher
    wolfarcherabout 10 years55 popcorn
    If you like the percy jackson books you will most likely like the movie. It's also a cool movie to watch with ya mates. It has a few funny parts too!
    • stinky
      stinkyabout 10 years55 popcorn
      im reading the book right now
      • jamyrag8
        jamyrag8about 10 years
        persey Jackson is the awesomeness move i ever seen
        • xcheesepuckx
          xcheesepuckxabout 10 years33 popcorn
          It was OK Grover is supposed to come in at the end, instead he was there in the beginning and he was taken half-way through the movie.Not the best movie but watch -Abul.
          • maira
            mairaabout 10 years55 popcorn
            Percy Jackson is so amazing I can watch at 24/7
            • maranita
              maranitaabout 10 years55 popcorn
              This is such a amazing movie. I never read the book though.
              • whalesareboss
                whalesarebossabout 10 years11 popcorn
                this movie is terrible compared to the book. It ripped the book to pieces and made it a bad version of a great book. 8(
                • razerbladewade
                  razerbladewadeabout 10 years
                  this was horrible compared to the book
                  • ravermccare23
                    ravermccare23about 10 years
                    not as good as the book
                    • pickerr
                      pickerrabout 10 years

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