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Norm of the North

Norm of the North (2016)

Polar bear Norm and his three Arctic lemming buddies are forced out into the world once their icy home begins melting and breaking apart. Landing in New York, Norm begins life anew as a performing corporate mascot, only to discover that his new employers are directly responsible for the destruction of his polar home.

Release Date: January 15, 2016

47 Movie Reviews
  • Shaggyalmost 8 years
    personally i don't like this movie. i doubt any work was put in to it, i stopped at maybe the first 12 minutes of this movie due to the terrible humor. i could really just say this article in 7 words, it has a bad taste of humor. the first 9 minutes i think, include atleast maybe 7 unfunny jokes. the animation is disturbing, like when i saw the trailer for the movie, the villain "mr. green" reminds me of leather face. this movie makes the cartoon series : Ren And Stimpy look like great movies such as : The Wizard of Oz or The Jungle Book.
    • Greenguy07over 8 years
      this movie is one of the worst of 2016 and we got ice age this year
      • ocean loveover 8 years
        omg this movie is so cute. Also it is very funny. I watched this movie on the plane and can i just say wow wow wow! I love how it is structured
        • memoiloveit
          memoiloveitalmost 9 years44 popcorn
          At first I thought this was going to be a bad movie, but after watching I think it's pretty good. It's funny and the plot is related to stuff that's going on currently so people should watch it.
          • katniss75
            katniss75almost 9 years11 popcorn
            It was kinda boring for me. Not much action, more just sitting around in an office waiting for a chance to ruin mr. greene's plans
            • joyalmost 9 years
              This movie seems good and funny the funny part is the characters they just make it so good and funny witch means you should watch it.
              • Coltonalmost 9 years
                It was Funny
                • deeana
                  deeanaalmost 9 years
                  this is jast awsom and good. i love it
                  • deeana
                    deeanaalmost 9 years
                    love it
                    • puffyfluffle
                      puffyflufflealmost 9 years
                      I did not even watch this movie because i knew it was going to be boring

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