Mary and the Witch's FlowerMary and the Witch's FlowerMary and the Witch's FlowerMary and the Witch's FlowerMary and the Witch's FlowerMary and the Witch's FlowerMary and the Witch's FlowerMary and the Witch's FlowerMary and the Witch's FlowerMary and the Witch's FlowerMary and the Witch's FlowerMary and the Witch's FlowerMary and the Witch's FlowerMary and the Witch's Flower
Mary and the Witch's Flower

Mary and the Witch's Flower (2018)

Mary Smith, a young girl who lives with her great-aunt in the countryside, follows a mysterious cat into the nearby forest where she finds a strange flower and an old broom, none of which is as ordinary as it seems.

Release Date: January 17, 2018

9 Movie Reviews
  • Awsomegirl12334almost 7 years
    I personally like this movie. It's very interesting and different. I first saw this movie a month ago
    • Lauraalmost 7 years
      Holy moly! It's a Blair Witch for kids. This movie tried WAYYY to hard to be good. I'm sorry but by the time it was at 20 minutes, I got uninterested
      • MIkaabout 7 years
        wow. I love anime but this takes it to another level
        • kawaiicookies
          kawaiicookiesabout 7 years55 popcorn
          i havent seen the movie but it looks cool :D especially since i like anime it looks intresting :3
          • trashgod
            trashgodabout 7 years55 popcorn
            I love this movie!!!
            • boi boyabout 7 years
              i really think this is awsome
              • boi boyabout 7 years
                not to me'
                • cutegirl17
                  cutegirl17about 7 years55 popcorn
                  I cant wait till this movie comes out.
                  • cute_puppy
                    cute_puppyabout 7 years22 popcorn
                    Kinda Weird.

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