Little House: Look Back to Yesterday (1983)
Albert Quinn Ingalls wants to be a doctor. But soon he discovers that he is fatally ill. He decides to spend the rest of his life in Walnut Grove. Meanwhile children from school are preparing for their traditional climbing of the mountain.
Release Date: December 12, 1983
1 Movie Review
- I liked this one a lot. Albert comes back to Walnut Grove, but he is fatally ill. Sadly, his illness is life threating, and he doesn't have much time. So, he decides to make the most of it. His family is devasted, but they know that being sad about it would not be what Albert wants. Albert helps in school projects, say goodbye to his on, and sadly dies by the end of the movie. It was a super sad movie because my family and I have watched Little House on the Prairie from season 1 to season 12 (I think that was the last on). We saw when Albert was just a kid and seeing him die as a young man was sad. I suggest it for people who like the Little House books and TV show. ! Spoiler Alert! You will probably cry, like I did!