How to Train Your Dragon 2How to Train Your Dragon 2How to Train Your Dragon 2How to Train Your Dragon 2How to Train Your Dragon 2How to Train Your Dragon 2How to Train Your Dragon 2How to Train Your Dragon 2How to Train Your Dragon 2How to Train Your Dragon 2How to Train Your Dragon 2How to Train Your Dragon 2How to Train Your Dragon 2How to Train Your Dragon 2How to Train Your Dragon 2How to Train Your Dragon 2How to Train Your Dragon 2How to Train Your Dragon 2How to Train Your Dragon 2How to Train Your Dragon 2How to Train Your Dragon 2How to Train Your Dragon 2How to Train Your Dragon 2How to Train Your Dragon 2How to Train Your Dragon 2How to Train Your Dragon 2How to Train Your Dragon 2How to Train Your Dragon 2How to Train Your Dragon 2How to Train Your Dragon 2How to Train Your Dragon 2How to Train Your Dragon 2How to Train Your Dragon 2How to Train Your Dragon 2How to Train Your Dragon 2How to Train Your Dragon 2How to Train Your Dragon 2How to Train Your Dragon 2How to Train Your Dragon 2How to Train Your Dragon 2How to Train Your Dragon 2How to Train Your Dragon 2How to Train Your Dragon 2How to Train Your Dragon 2How to Train Your Dragon 2How to Train Your Dragon 2How to Train Your Dragon 2How to Train Your Dragon 2How to Train Your Dragon 2
How to Train Your Dragon 2

How to Train Your Dragon 2 (2014)

Five years have passed since Hiccup and Toothless united the dragons and Vikings of Berk. Now, they spend their time charting unmapped territories. During one of their adventures, the pair discover a secret cave that houses hundreds of wild dragons -- and a mysterious dragon rider who turns out to be Hiccup's mother, Valka. Hiccup and Toothless then find themselves at the center of a battle to protect Berk from a power-hungry warrior named Drago.

Cast: Jay Baruchel, Gerard Butler, America Ferrera, Jonah Hill, and Christopher Mintz-Plasse

Release Date: June 13, 2014

221 Movie Reviews
  • mia30021
    mia30021over 10 years55 popcornFeatured
    How to train your dragon 2 was great because in the movie there were scenes that were very funny and also in the movie there were lots of emotional parts. My favorite part of this movie is the whole movie because it was just wow. When the movie ended I was just like no don't stop now. If you're a person that likes movie with adventures excitement and saving the world from horrible people then I bet you're gonna love this movie
    • mia30021
      mia30021over 10 years55 popcorn
      i <3 it
      • turtlenicole
        turtlenicoleover 10 years
        • heartanimals
          heartanimalsalmost 11 years
          i wish i could see it
          • kill428
            kill428almost 11 years
            • lordpanda
              lordpandaalmost 11 years33 popcorn
              It was o.k. just it was weird because the people were like 20 and had little tiny beards and(don't read further if you don't like spoilers) Hiccup and Astrid are dating
              • neoncat
                neoncatalmost 11 years55 popcornFeatured
                IT WAS AWESOME! It was a great adventure! It was nice to see Hiccup, Astrid, Toothless, and gang back together. The animation rocked, and since it's five years past, Hiccup became handsome! :) There's new surprises, storylines, and battles. Not to mention, NEW DRAGONS! Be careful who you bring to the theater though. If you have siblings who get upset easily over the loss of a character, you might want to cover their eyes when you get to the character death part. It's so sad! My heart was aching. The shocker is how the person died--who killed him. Anyway, totally recommend it! I can't wait for the third movie. DO NOT SPOIL THE CHARACTER DEATH FOR ANYONE.
                • bea123
                  bea123almost 11 years
                  i want to see it
                  • park5185
                    park5185almost 11 years55 popcorn
                    love it
                    • spinnypeeps
                      spinnypeepsalmost 11 years44 popcornFeatured
                      Awesome movie- watched it yesterday. The story takes place on Berk, about five years after when the first movie took place. The place where dragons were once hunted are now part of their community of vikings. They are now beloved pets and friends of almost every viking. Hiccup is now twenty years old and so is Toothless(he has tiny whiskers!). His father had asked him to take the honor of being chief, but Hiccup thinks he is not ready and he will never be as great as his dad is. He takes a ride on Toothless to practice some moves but they soon crash land onto an island they've never seen before. In the distance, they see some unfriendly Viking hunting dragons. They overhear about a dragon master who is building a dragon army! Well, that's all I'm going to tell- too many spoilers ain't that good. Anyway, it was a phenomenal movie that is about friendship, hope, trust, ... and dragon, of course! As good as the first movie, and maybe even better.
                      • spinnypeeps
                        spinnypeepsalmost 11 years44 popcorn
                        No, I meant Vikings- that hunt dragons, not dragons- that- hunt- for- Vikings. Also, I meant dragons plurals. Typo!

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