
Hoodwinked (2005)

Little Red Riding Hood: A classic story, but there's more to every tale than meets the eye. Before you judge a book by its cover, you've got to flip through the pages. In the re-telling of this classic fable, the story begins at the end of the tale and winds its way back. Chief Grizzly and Detective Bill Stork investigate a domestic disturbance at Granny's cottage, involving a karate-kicking Red Riding Hood, a sarcastic wolf and an oafish Woodsman.

Directors: Cory Edwards, Anne Hathaway

Cast: Anne Hathaway, Glenn Close, Jim Belushi, Patrick Warburton, and Anthony Anderson

Release Date: December 16, 2005

20 Movie Reviews
  • tori3ghoul
    tori3ghoulover 7 years44 popcorn
    A hilarious twist on the classic tale, Hoodwinked is a mystery/comedy movie for the whole family! Told in four different versions, someone is wreaking havoc in the woods, shutting down local bakeries. Meanwhile, Red's home gets attacked by a wolf and a lumberjack! Who's the real criminal here?
    • da_gangsta_joe
      da_gangsta_joealmost 8 years
      Best movie ever. I love the graphics and the wolf is very funny.
      • bubba4eva
        bubba4evaalmost 8 years
        I Just watched this moive. This movie is very funny. About a girl (Red riding hood) and her granmother, except its a twist on Little red riding hood. It's a funnier mre up to date version. I enjoyed the laughs and the thrills I got, this movie is heart warming and there are many different characters, that I am sure you anyone could pick there favourite. I love Grandma, shes so energetic and fun for and old bat.
        • mattokenken
          mattokenkenalmost 8 years11 popcorn
          This the worst animated movie I have ever seen. I mean I've seen better graphics on a video game. The story is also bad. The granny is terrible, it makes no sense, the voice actors are bad, it's not funny, it defines the law of gravity. I mean the Granny is basically flying! Even 3-year-olds will hate this movie because it would make absolutely no sense what so ever. I've seen movies with better graphics in a straight to Nickelodeon movie! This is the most terrible most awful most senseless movie I have ever seen 1/10 It's so bad I would rather watch Jaws The Revenge and you have to DRAG me to the couch if you want me to watch THAT abomination.
          • brain2145
            brain2145almost 8 years11 popcorn
            The worst movie I've seen in a long time; with graphics that would be wrong in a 2005 video game and a plot that is way too busy.
            • marcoc7
              marcoc7almost 9 years55 popcorn
              This movie is so funny, and has the perfect mystery to it. A must watch!!!
              • hollowitzabout 9 years
                I ADORE THE SINGING GOAT! LA LA LA LA LA!!!!!
                • hollowitz
                  hollowitzabout 9 years55 popcorn
                  • Swag master #01over 9 years
                    So cool and awsome !!!!!!!!!😀
                    • silverjoy
                      silverjoyover 9 years55 popcorn
                      This movie is a twist on the classic story of red riding hood, when the forest police get the side of the story of the wolf, red riding hood, her granny, and the fake woodsman. It's hilariously funny, and an absolute must-watch!