
Holes (2003)

A wrongfully convicted boy is sent to a brutal desert detention camp where he must dig holes in order to build character. What he doesn't know is that he is digging holes in order to search for a lost treasure hidden somewhere in the camp.

Directors: Andrew Davis

Cast: Sigourney Weaver, Jon Voight, Patricia Arquette, Tim Blake Nelson, and Dule Hill

Release Date: April 11, 2003

141 Movie Reviews
  • bethanybeach
    bethanybeachalmost 2 years
    I want to watch the movie so bad and i am reading this book i think it is so good and i can´t wait to watch
    • prince_mm1
      prince_mm1over 4 years55 popcorn
      Exactly the same as the book. Love the cute lizards. It looks fun to dig holes but it would problably be miserable. 💕
      • benedicta79
        benedicta79over 4 years55 popcorn
        "Anything could happen if you try it" This quotes went in to my mind after I finished the movie "Holes". Because Stanley the main character was a life changer for his family and his friend Zero.
        • zerotwo02
          zerotwo02over 4 years55 popcorn
          I watched this movie recently and my favorite character is zero! This movie is sad, but its still a good movie! I loved it!
          • katt1192006
            katt1192006almost 5 years55 popcorn
            i never seen the move but i read it like 100 time i read it before i go to bed so i think this is going to be a good movie to watch and this is my first time watching this they say the movie is better then the book so i want to see it right now so i hope enjoy the movie lol.
            • baseball14
              baseball14almost 5 years55 popcorn
              one of my favorite movies
              • karebear190
                karebear190about 5 years44 popcorn
                After we read the book, my old elementary teacher wanted to watch the movie and since the whole class read the book (and loved it), we decided to agree on the movie. So the whole grade went ahead to watch the movie and we loved it! A tad different than the book but that's fine!
                • invincikitty
                  invincikittyabout 5 years55 popcorn
                  I think that this is a very good movie to watch because it is a very interesting movie and I love it.
                  • wavess
                    wavessover 5 years55 popcorn
                    Great movie 🎬 I love it because it is funny and sad but trillining. But no scary sence
                    • ajjane
                      ajjaneover 5 years55 popcorn
                      I reccomond you watch this movie it is funny and it teaches you alot i watched a million times it's so good at first I thought it was going to be boring but it's not it's such a good movie

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