For the Love of BenjiFor the Love of Benji
For the Love of Benji

For the Love of Benji (1977)

Rated G 85 min - Family
Benji gets lost after a flight overseas and becomes a stray in Athens, Greece. He then tries everyday to reunite with his family while mysterious people pursue him, in a race to get a code which was secretly tattooed on his paw at the airport. But who are the bad guys and who are the agents that can be trusted? Will Benji and his kids and their nanny ever get to enjoy their vacation?

Directors: Joe Camp

Cast: Patsy Garrett, Cynthia Smith, Allen Fiuzat, Ed Nelson, and Art Vasil

Release Date: June 10, 1977

3 Movie Reviews
  • zoiee
    zoieeabout 10 years
    I have watched this movie before but when I have I would always watch the movie right and at the end a would always cry because it is such a good movie and it just makes me cry at the end every single time that I watch it at home or ether some were else like a friends house or so thing else
    • Karli. over 10 years
      • alanad
        alanadover 11 years
        Love it

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