Flora & UlyssesFlora & UlyssesFlora & UlyssesFlora & UlyssesFlora & UlyssesFlora & UlyssesFlora & UlyssesFlora & UlyssesFlora & UlyssesFlora & UlyssesFlora & UlyssesFlora & UlyssesFlora & UlyssesFlora & UlyssesFlora & UlyssesFlora & UlyssesFlora & UlyssesFlora & UlyssesFlora & Ulysses
Flora & Ulysses

Flora & Ulysses (2021)

When Flora rescues a squirrel she names Ulysses, she is amazed to discover he possesses unique superhero powers, which take them on an adventure of humorous complications that ultimately change Flora's life--and her outlook--forever.

Release Date: February 19, 2021

10 Movie Reviews
  • adroit_avimimus
    adroit_avimimusover 3 years44 popcorn
    We can't all have a supeheroic squirrel to help find our own purposes in life, but "Flora & Ulysses" posits that we don't need one - just a willingness to welcome their special kind of magic, in whatever shape it may take. The superhero power of this movie comes from its endearingly offbeat characters, goofy humor, and gentle insights about finding optimism even when things go wrong. "Flora & Ulysses" veers close to falling into the trap of cheesiness that kids' movies of this genre often find themselves in, but miraculously never does. It's encouraging to see someone at the studio remembers that not every film has to be do or die, even if it has superheroes on its mind. The film has its cape hung up out of sight, tights put away in drawers, and heart smack dab in the right place.
    • betawolf09
      betawolf09almost 4 years55 popcorn
      Its a veryyyyy cute movie
      • luvbug123
        luvbug123almost 4 years
        I like it but its a very predictable movie.
        • rozanna27
          rozanna27almost 4 years
          It so awesome
          • reeseismyname
            reeseismynamealmost 4 years44 popcorn
            IT's a great movie if you understand it. Ironman, Hulk, Captain America, and Ulysses! This s a great movie! It's very creative and fun to watch! Her dad is a failed comic book writer and her mom is a great susses when it comes to writing romance novels! Ulysses a reborn?? By a vaccum cleaner? find out more when you watch it! Or for more details follow me!
            • bookqueenpaige
              bookqueenpaigealmost 4 years
              This movie was really funny and cool. I watched it with my family and we all really liked it. We were laughing the whole time. It's a little over the top with the squirrel *************** {i don't want to spoil it} but anyways the movie was really good and I definitely recommend this to you guys.
              • wolfy_blue
                wolfy_bluealmost 4 years44 popcorn
                its about this girl who finds a squrriel (in a lawn mower I think? I dont remeber) and apperently the squrriel had super powers. And the squrriel accidently messes up a donut shop and the people who captures animals is looking for him.
                • warriorcatskid
                  warriorcatskidalmost 4 years
                  This is such a great movie about a girl and her Squirrel named Ulysses(What a UNique name) :) I LOVE IT!
                  • kenna626
                    kenna626about 4 years55 popcorn
                    This movie is awesome. It's about animals and friendship. Flora's dad writes comic books! that is very cool, and the movie is really fun and exciting.
                    • savannahlou
                      savannahlouabout 4 years
                      It a really good front cover I haven't got Disney + even no I haven't got Disney +

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