Born in China

Born in China (2017)

Rated G 76 min - Documentary
Venturing into the wilds of China, "Born in China" captures intimate moments with a panda bear and her growing cub, a young golden monkey who feels displaced by his baby sister, and a mother snow leopard struggling to raise her two cubs.

Release Date: April 21, 2017

74 Movie Reviews
  • pickle02
    pickle02almost 8 years
    This movie is a very good movie if you do not like animals getting killed or blood you should not go to the movie if but most people should defiantly watch it if you are five years or older because it is very cute there are not that many deadly parts. I recommend it to teachers because it is very educational and it tells a lot about the animals and they are very amazing adaptations that can teach the kids in your class a lot about the animals in it for the teachers. If you like to watch how animals grow their life cycle this is definitely a movie for you if you like Chinese legends this is a good movie for you and if you like baby animals this is what you want. The animals are a panda, snow leopard, golden snub-nosed monkey, chiru, red-crowned crane and a panda. This movie teaches you about what these creatures eat and what their diet is and how long they can survive with the meal. How they can survive in their terrain and how their coloration helps them it teaches you how much they defend themselves. How a monkey protects its young and how important the babies are to the herd the family and the flock and the way they protect each other and how some animals have to pass on as the crane carries the spirit away.
    • partybomberalmost 8 years
      I think that this was a well good recommended for everyone.There were funny parts serious and sad parts.The movie is mainly about 4 animals, Giant pandas, Snow leopards, Golden snub-nosed monkey, And Cranes.The story is about birth life oldness and reborn also about a Chinese mythology that says when a crane lifts off it carries a departed spirit and reborn the spirit to the next stage of life.The other 3 animals try to survive the wild throughout all 4 seasons but it's not all of those animals there is also the red panda and a hawk.There were good and funny parts but there are disappointments, But ill give this movie a ****1/2 rating because of the disappointments.If you are sensitive this movie would be a bit sad.And there is as well relief.I hope you have a chance to watch this and I hope you enjoy my review!:)
      • iamhockey11
        iamhockey11almost 8 years
        born in china. if i picked 1-10 i would pick 10 because you got to see what animals do.MY favorite part was when the baby panda kept falling off the tree.It was funny when the monkeys were playing a game called break the branches it was funny because they kept falling off the branches.It was sad when the snow leopard die when she had her cubs and there was another sad part when the panda left her son.And the monkey left his family because the mom and dad cared more for his sister then him so he left and he joined the lost boys it was a group of monkeys the dad attack the lost boys.In the winter taotao could not go back to his family.
        • mmddyyyyalmost 8 yearsFeatured
          SPOILER ALERT - It was very cool.I learned about 5 animals that made up china.I can't believe that cranes actually carry spirits!My favorite part was when the baby panda rolled off a hill.I learned that goshawks could come out of nowhere and snatch a baby monkey for a meal!It was very impressive that a snow leopard could jump as far as 2-4 feet!It was really cool to see a baby antelope being born!Did you know that they can walk in about 30 minutes!It was really sad that the mother leopard died.A snubbed nosed monkey can be really mischevious sometimes...Well a lot more than sometimes.It was different wildlife than what I have imagined in china.Like what sound a baby panda makes.So if you're allowed to go watch a movie with your friends.This is the one to watch.
          • nikefootballer3
            nikefootballer3almost 8 years55 popcornFeatured
            he movie is awesome cute and it is kid appropriate and it is very educational.And its good for people who want close ups of animals.Its also might be scary for 3 to 4 year old's because there are times in the movie where the animals get real close up in the camera.I would recommend this move for 5 and older.I went to go see the movie with my class and people loved the cute animals and loved how the got up close with the movie of 2016.Best movie I have seen in years.Amazing movie.Wonderful footage.Awwing animals.Also it teaches you lots of facts about the animals skills.The golden snubbed nose monkey's prey is the gawhawk.
            • hockeymaster102
              hockeymaster102almost 8 years
              today we went to a movie and learned about china and the earth and learn about predator and prey goshawks like to eat baby monkeys.when they spot them they stay in there spot and then they head in and take them and then once they get home they start to eat the monkey.there was a monkey and the monkey's parents had a baby monkey and the baby monkey got all the attention.and one day a goshawk saw his sister and the goshawk came in and her brother saw the goshawk and the goshawk and the monkey went for his sister and he got his sister right in time before the goshawk got his sister.
              • beastly8
                beastly8almost 8 years
                I like this movie becasue instead of 1 animal It was 4. I do not think this is for 5 and younger just because the animal kill.The animals were monkeys, pandas, chiru snow leopard .They did all the seasons.So it was a little sad becasue the monkey was all alone. So the plot was how they start out as a baby and grow into a adult.And it is also about them surviving out in the wild.Just they relied on the mother and father. it is deserbing in one part because you see a true true be born live.If teachers are reading this it is a good movie if you the students are learning about china and china's animals.
              • butterfl008almost 8 years
                Today I went to the movie and saw Born in China, it was so cute My favorite part was when the panda rolled down the hill. When the leporid died it was very sad so If your child is sensitive about that kind of stuff this would be the movie for them there was another part like that but it was a hawk that got a baby monk so that was the sad parts. There were no other scary parts just very cute and sad. Other than that I loved the movie was cute and really awesome.
                • unicorns1007almost 8 years
                  I loved how it was so cute.It was sad and adorable.But kind of gross.You could see the animal having birth.And the mama snow leopard died.It is very entertaining,funny and educational.It was sad when the monkey was mad at his sister because she had all the attention but still saved her from pretenders. Also it was sad because the mama panda let the baby panda go because she was all grown up and could clime a tree. It made me cry and made me laugh.But you should still see this movie.You can learn a lot from this film.It was 1 of the best Disney nature movies I have ever seen.
                  • iamhockey11
                    iamhockey11almost 8 years
                    born in china. if i picked 1-10 i would pick 10 because you got to see what animals do.MY favorite part was when the baby panda kept falling off the tree.It was funny when the monkeys were playing a game called break the branches it was funny because they kept falling off the branches.It was sad when the snow leopard die when she had her cubs and there was another sad part when the panda left her son.And the monkey left his family because the mom and dad cared more for his sister then him so he left and he joined the lost boys it was a group of monkeys the dad attack the lost boys.In the winter YAHYAH could not go back to his family.

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