Alpha and Omega: Dino Digs (2016)
After Kate, Humphrey, and their three pups are forced to relocate their den to Wolf-burbia, they discover Amy, a friendly raptor that magically came to life after being uncovered during a big dig! The pups and their forest friends show Amy the wonders of their new world, and must work together and try to stop the diggers from unearthing the dangerous T-Rex before it's too late!
Release Date: May 10, 2016
23 Movie Reviews
- Adult wolves can't have blue eyes :p
- Smurf_YourMom10almost 6 yearsSeriously I cannot even describe how how random this plot is. Wild wolves digging up raptor fossils that come to to life somehow? How did this just jump from realistic from fantasy???Im not even sure what to think of the unrealistic scale?First off wolves do NOT havepacks consisting of 60+ members,and secondly, wolves don't allow randon strangers into their pack,well I guess but it's rare. Third, packs are made up family members,fourthly Alpha,Beta and Omega' are long outdated terms.I'll let all of these reasons slide because it's just a movie,If this was a nature document I would rate it a -900.But I liked the first movie...but it just kind of slide downhill from there.I wished the newer AAO movie`(alpha and omega) could've been a bit longer and more realism like the first movie
- Dude why'd you copy my comment.
- Seriously I cannot even describe how random the plot is. Wild wolves digging up raptor fossils that magically come to life. How did this jump from a mostly realistic movie to fantasy?
- I'm not sure what to think since its on a very unrealistic scale? First off, wolves do NOT have packs consisting of 50+ members, and secondly, wolves don't allow random strangers into their pack. (They do but it's rare.) Thirdly, packs are made up of family members, fourthly, 'Alpha, Beta, and Omega' are long outdated terms. I'll let all these reasons slide because it's just a movie. If this was a nature documentary I would rate it negative 800. I LOVED the first movie.. but it just kind of slid downhill from there. I wished the newer AAO movies (Alpha and omega) could've been a bit longer and more on the scale to realism like the first movie.
- Danisnotonfireover 8 yearsRight, it was terrible. Rubbish animation no plot line and a raptor that 'magically came to life'? Well let's just say the creators of the movie could learn a bit from Jurassic park. Not impressed
- Soopyover 8 yearsI saw this morning to
- Soopyover 8 yearsThis was ashome
- finn123almost 9 yearscoooooooool i want to see this
- fjenkinsalmost 9 yearsI can't wait to watch this because I really love the movies.
- Taylor swiftalmost 9 yearsi loved it