The Master of DisguiseThe Master of DisguiseThe Master of DisguiseThe Master of DisguiseThe Master of DisguiseThe Master of DisguiseThe Master of DisguiseThe Master of Disguise
The Master of Disguise

The Master of Disguise (2002)

Rated PG 80 min - Comedy Family
After the patriarch of the Disguisey family is kidnapped by Devlin Bowman in an attempt to steal the most precious treasures from around the world, Italian waiter Pistachio Disguisey utilizes his supernatural ability to disguise himself in an attempt to stop him.

Release Date: August 2, 2002

6 Movie Reviews
  • oceaneyes
    oceaneyesover 10 years
    THIS IS SO FUNNY!!!! What some comedy in your life? Watch this movie! It's so crazy, so crazy it just might work!
    • link12
      link12over 11 years55 popcorn
      thats crazy so crazy it just might work!!!
      • wcw
        wcwover 12 years55 popcorn
        this movie is sooo funy i love it when he sayd turtle,turtle,turtle lol
        • superreese
          superreeseover 12 years
          It's soooooo funny anyone who has Netflix or blockbuster you can find it there!!!
          • lilstak
            lilstakalmost 13 years
            i love this movie.this one of my faverite movie of all time.this movie is so fuuuuuny .this movie is a great kids movir to make someone laugh.
            • spagetti
              spagettialmost 13 years55 popcorn
              This is a sleeper of a comedy! If you haven't seen it (or even heard of it) - I suggest you rent it. Dana Carvey is hilarious in this. Am I "trurtley enough for you?"